I am hoping your New Year is off to a good start, and that you have planted seeds for what you want to bring in, in the New Year. Jan5/6 was a new moon, AND a partial solar eclipse, which creates a lot of powerful energy. Astrologers are saying the planetary alignments can bring up a lot of eruptive/disruptive energy, which can make for things happening quickly in our lives. The good news is that this energy is useful to initiate positive change for ourselves. The Universe is behind us as we initiate change from the space of guidance, guidance is our intuition, our gut feelings, and not our nay saying right-brained “ego” minds.
My hope for you all is that you are able to tap into your own guidance, using the powerful energy of the new year to create strong new paths for yourself, and for the good for other people, all living beings; our planet and our ecosystems. When you create positive change for yourself, it raises your energetic vibration, which radiates out to everyone and everything that you come into contact with. Isn’t this what we want for us and for the world?
Be brave and go in the direction of your true desires, the path that makes your heart sing, despite what others may say or think. What they think does not matter, for that is a projection of their “stuff” on you. Your guides WILL support you when you veer in the direction of your soul path.
This year will be powerful for manifesting positive change!
I want to offer a small piece of “advice”. This is something I mention frequently to people who come for Polarity or Shamanic sessions. If you are feeling confused, anxious or unsure of what to do regarding anything in your life, take time to ground yourself, becoming completely present in your body. Anxiety is a sign that you are not in your body, not grounded. There are many ways to get grounded. Yoga is an excellent practice for settling the busy mind, getting oxygen to the lungs and muscles and coming back to the present.
For me, along with practicing yoga, and praying, I receive the greatest inner peace and grounding when in the woods, mountains, fields, along a river or at a beach. Being in nature is the magic soothing that we all crave and need. As early beings, we lived in close connection with nature. We relied on it for our food, water, and shelter. In ancient times, we were in sync with natures rhythms, for it meant survival for us. Modern life takes us out of nature, bombards us with fast moving stimuli, and overwhelms our senses. When you are feeling overwhelmed, exhausted or unclear, the trees, the ocean waves, the earth, the sounds of living creatures provides soothing, grounding and clearing. Being in nature, and having our feet on the ground, will clear our head, ease our worries, give us new fresh energy, and bring us back to our body. Even spending 15 minutes outside, taking a walk and breathing fresh air can restore vitality.
When things feel unwieldy, come back to nature.
Sending divine blessings for a new year of realizing your dreams and wishes, and returning back to your nature roots.
P.S. I will be in Florida from January 10th through the 21st, soaking in nature and warmth. If you are in need of a session, I am happy to do distance sessions from my location. Just reach out and we can set something up. Otherwise, I will booking in-person appointments from January 23rd on.