I recently started EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) therapy to help resolve some old traumas that I had experienced. I felt it was time to release these memories, which had created some limiting beliefs for me. I had heard about EMDR, as a type of therapy treatment that uses bilateral stimulation to allow un-stuck areas of the brain to access “stuck” traumatic memories and then process and release them. As a kinesthetic person, this sounded like a great alternative to talk therapy.
When I arrived for my first session, I had a fair amount of anxiety. The thought of revisiting these traumatic memories and painful feelings was intimidating. I had heard many good things about this therapy but fear of the unknown is a powerful thing. After a very successful first session, I was amazed and relieved. I have had 3 more sessions since, and each time, I have to face the fear of facing the fear. It always resolves well, but each session is a new experience of unknown end result.
This work on myself has made me think about my clients, and the traumas they have experienced in their lives, and their bravery. It takes a lot of courage to come talk to a stranger about devastating traumatic events that have happened. When we experience abuse by others, loss of loved ones, heartbreaks, tragedies, substance abuse, divorce, illness and other devastations, we become vulnerable, broken in spirit and heart, our power depleted, our light diminished, our thinking cloudy. It can be extremely difficult to talk about what has happened, or what we are struggling with, and ask for help, especially if we feel that somehow it is our fault. The fear that comes with revisiting our pain can be paralyzing.
But truly, the only way around, it is through it. People who face the fear and the painful stories eventually make it to the other side. They come out the other side stronger, more empowered. I see incredible strength and courage in my clients, many of whom have endured significant wounding and suffering. I want to acknowledge each and every one of you reading this, and say Bravo, Brava! It’s important to shine a spotlight on the times that we have been brave and feel proud of this.
Brene Brown says this: “Courage starts with showing up and letting ourselves be seen.” I believe that the healing starts as soon as we do. So keep showing up. Do it for yourself. You deserve it.
I love the Al-Anon mantra that is chanted at end of meetings, with hands held: “Keep coming back, cause it works if you work it, so work it, you’re worth it!” You ARE indeed worth the work you do for you.
Thank you for reading.
